Writing Contest Winners 2020-2021

Honorable Mention, Grades 3-5

Shannon McDonald
Grade 5, Galvin Middle School, Wakefield
Ms. Eleanor Yessaian, Teacher

The MWRA, what does it mean, what does it stand for, why is it important, why do we use it? Well not many of us really know what it means, so today I will clear it all up for you.

The MWRA stands for:

Now this is something we take for granted everyday of our lives. Every time we wash our hands, take a shower, go to the bathroom, fill up our water bottles, we use water that the MWRA cleans for us. They have to make sure that the water is clean. They are essential workers because without them we would be drinking and using dirty water and be getting sick much much easier. There is a place like the MWRA all around the country. Now next time you go to the bathroom, fill up your water bottles, wash your hands and take a shower, remember the people at the MWRA have cleaned the water for us, so thank them before you forget that they are keeping us clean and healthy.

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