Writing Contest Winners 2020-2021
First Place Winner, Grades 3-5
Michael Brown
Grade 5, Galvin Middle School, Wakefield
Mr. Perry Pappas, Teacher
Workers Make It Work
We are all very lucky
When we get a drink from the tap or take a bath with our ducky
A lot of work goes on behind the scene
To make our water very clean
The trusty MWRA gives us clean water and removes our waste
This service can never be replaced
You protect the water that collects in the Quabbin
You test it, you transport it, and keep the trash from a-bobbin’
Your hard work is evident at the Deer Island Plant
Cleaning our waste is very important
You are brave to deal with the sludge and smells
We should all take the island walk and see the story it tells
The waste and the water are separated in enormous tanks
We send the tireless MWRA workers our never-ending thanks!
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