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Wastewater COVID-19 Tracking
Massachusetts Water Resources Authority


Test results from MWRA’s pilot study to track wastewater at the Deer Island Treatment Plant for indicators of COVID-19 infection are posted on this site.

Samples are analyzed daily by Biobot Analytics, a wastewater epidemiology company. Sample results will generally be posted 2-3 working days after they are collected. Please refer to the Mass DPH website for information regarding current cases of COVID-19 in your community.

Biobot Data - Results updated to include samples through 8/19/2024

The graphs include error bars which represent the range of result variability caused by laboratory processing.

• The graph with the green dots and error bars represent the North System
• The graph with the orange dots and error bars represent the South System.

To view the data behind the graph, click here (PDF).

The data tables include some variant screening results as provided by Biobot Analytics. Additional information regarding the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genetic material in wastewater is available from EPA and CDC.

MWRA is now submitting samples for additional disease targets to the WastewaterSCAN program in addition to our regular testing with Biobot Analytics.  Results can be viewed here.

Previous charts produced with the former data analysis methods have been archived.

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Updated August 21, 2024