MWRA staff would like to highlight and recognize a recent piece done by Paul Marrone of Clinton, MA. This piece, using images and materials provided by MWRA found on Digital Commonwealth Massachusetts Collections Online, focuses on the 1895 Metropolitan Waterworks project and the diversity of those that came to work on the 10-year project - which includes our Wachusett Reservoir and Dam.
A crew laying brick arches at the Assabet River Bridge
A lifelong resident of Clinton, the retired construction engineer and adjunct faculty at WPI has taken a keen interest in the creation of Wachusett Reservoir. Using publicly available sources such as historic photographs and Massachusetts State Records, he has created a number of other interesting pieces documenting various components of reservoir and dam construction, how the water moved, how labor (people and horses) was deployed, and the relocation of the railroads that crossed the river valley, all which can be found on .
Mr. Marrone has worked with MWRA Reservoir Operations staff for the last few years to bring these materials to life and share with other MWRA staff and consultants.