About this Project:
Section 23, 24 and 47 water mains are part of the Southern High pressure zone. They provide supply to the communities of Boston, Newton and Watertown. The water mains are cast iron and are over 100 years old. Rehabilitation of these water mains will improve water quality by reducing the length of unlined cast iron water mains in the system; improve reliability; restore hydraulic looping and redundancy between Weston Aqueduct Supply Main (WASM) 2 and WASM 4; facilitate conveyance of high service water from Shaft 7 of the City Tunnel to the communities of Boston, Newton and Watertown. This $26.8 million contract was awarded in March 2019 to Albanese D&S, Inc. with a contract term of 912 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed.
This contract includes cleaning and cement mortar lining approximately 4,500 linear feet of Section 23, which is a 36-inch diameter cast iron water main, 10,800 feet of 20-inch Section 24 and Section 47 cast iron water mains, and 500 feet of 20-inch steel water main along Section 24. The construction work will also include installing, by open-cut, 3,600 feet of 36-inch ductile iron Section 23 water main, 6,400 feet of 24-inch ductile iron Section 24 water main, and new valves and appurtenances, and replacing the check valve assembly at Boston Meter 120. Additionally, the construction contract will include replacing approximately 2,400 linear feet of City of Newton 20-inch diameter, 140 year-old cast iron water main on Ward Street between Manet Road and Waverly Avenue.
Work is expected to begin in a couple of months, a more definitive timeline will be provided soon.
Lake Street FAQ
Project Updates
July 15, 2024
- On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, or shortly thereafter, the MWRA will be conducting roadway repair work on Dickinson Road.
- This work will include the milling and paving of an access pit that was utilized to rehabilitate the 100 year old cast iron water main pipeline, and should last just one day, weather and other unforeseen circumstances pending.
- Once this roadway work has been completed, the MWRA will have finalized this portion of the project.
- Importantly, residents will continue to have access to their properties; however, please allow a little extra time in case large machinery is near your residence.
- Additionally, access pit roadway repair work will also occur with the 530 Washington Street apartment building’s parking lot on Tuesday.
- The Authority and its contractor will work to ensure residents and building management continue to have access to the property while the work is completed; however, vehicles may need to enter the parking lot either via the Washington Street entrance or the Greymere Road entrance depending on the positioning of heavy equipment.
- All work will be performed by the MWRA’s contractor, Albanese D&S. Hours of construction will occur between 7:00AM-4:00PM.
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July 10 2024:
- Starting the week of Monday, July 15, 2024, or shortly thereafter, the MWRA will be conducting roadway repair work along Brooks Street and Fairbanks Street.
- This work includes the milling and paving of access pits that were utilized to rehabilitate the 100 year old cast iron water main pipeline.
- Once this roadway work has been completed, the MWRA will have finalized this portion of the project.
- Once started, work is expected to last approximately one week, weather and other unforeseen circumstances pending.
- Additionally, roadway work will occur Monday through Friday from 7:00AM-4:00PM.
- Importantly, residents will have access to their properties; however, please allow a little extra time in case large machinery is near your residence.
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June 24, 2024
- Starting the week of Monday, July 8, 2024, or shortly thereafter, the MWRA will be conducting roadway repair work along Lake Street.
- This work includes the milling and paving of access pits that were utilized to rehabilitate the 100 year old cast iron water main pipeline.
- Once this roadway work has been completed, the MWRA will have finalized this portion of the project.
- This roadway repair work is expected to take approximately one week, weather and other unforeseen circumstances pending.
- Efforts will be underway to keep the roadway open as much as possible; however, the initial days of the work will require a detour to be in place.
- The detour is expected to last approximately two to three days.
- During construction hours (Monday through Friday, 7:00AM to 4:00PM), there will be MWRA staff stationed on Lake Street, as well as other personnel and detour signage to guide residents, visitors, and those conducting business in the area.
- During off hours (nights and weekends) Lake Street will be open to all traffic.
- The detour will be the same one that was previously utilized in fall 2023.
- Through traffic will be directed along Commonwealth Avenue to Foster Street, and then Glenmont Road.
- All Lake Street and Undine Road area residents will have access in reverse direction at Lake Shore Road.

(click on image to enlarge)
June 7, 2024:
The MWRA and its contractor, Albanese D&S, are expected to commence roadway milling work along Ward Street in the City of Newton between Hammond Street and Manet Road starting on Monday, June 10, 2024, or shortly thereafter.
- Milling is expected to take approximately a week, weather and other unforeseen circumstances pending.
- Important to note, milling needs to be completed prior to roadway paving, which is expected to occur after the milling process.
- Work hours will be 7:00AM to 5:00PM.
- Access to residential properties will remain throughout the milling process; however, please allow a little extra time in case large machinery is near your residence.
Additionally, once paving operations commence, residential access may be delayed by approximately ½ to 1 hour while the new asphalt sets.
- Please note, work schedules are subject to change should conditions, such as inclement weather, arises.
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Construction activities for the week of December 18, 2023:
- This week, crews completed the work to rehabilitate Meter 120, conducted temporary paving at access pit locations, and demobilized all equipment from the work site and roadway.
- With the meter work now complete, the MWRA has permanently lifted the detour that was previously in place to assist the project.
- While the cleaning and lining of the 100+ year old cast iron water mains and the rehabilitation of Meter 120 is now done, it is important to note that a final paving of the access pit locations is currently scheduled to take place in the spring season.
- This will be the last regularly scheduled Everbridge update; however, an update to the Authority’s website and an Everbridge message will be distributed once the final paving work has been schedule.
- Thank you for your patience, understanding, and cooperation as the MWRA and its contractor worked together to complete this critical project, which will improve both water quality and overall system reliability.
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Construction Activities for the week of December 18, 2023:
- This week, crews have nearly completed the work to rehabilitate Meter 120, located at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue. An air valve that is critical to the water service system was installed on the site. The contractor is now in the process of removing equipment from the roadway.
- Next week, work crews will conduct temporary paving operations at the locations where access pits were dug along Lake Street. The detour will remain in place while this work is underway, and is expected to be completed by the end of the work day on Tuesday (Monday and Tuesday work hours will be from 7:00AM to 4:00PM), weather and other circumstances permitting.
- After Tuesday’s work, the project will be largely completed, except for final paving operations at the access pit locations, which is currently scheduled to take place in the spring season following the winter months.
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Construction Activities for the week of December 11, 2023:
- This week, crews continued efforts to rehabilitate Meter 120, which is located at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue.
- Two 16” gate valves and new manhole valves were installed this week. Next week, work crews plan to install additional valves, tees, and manhole restraints.
- Please note, the Meter 120 work is expected to be finished by mid-December, weather and other unforeseen circumstances permitting.
- While the rehabilitation work is underway, the Lake Street detour will remain in place to ensure a safe and efficient site for crews to complete the work. Additionally, MWRA personnel and proper signage will remain onsite during detour hours to assist motorists through the area.
- Next week, the work crew’s schedule will be Monday through Friday, from 7:00AM to 4:00PM.
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December 5, 2023
Project overview:
- Crew 1 continuing to work in Boston on meter 120 valve replacements
- Crew 1 installing new gate valve at Access pit #1 Shaft 7 near the Boston College Football Stadium. The installation of the valve has been completed we are working on flushing and chlorinating section 23.
- Crew 2 working at night and repaired dented pipe on east bound ramp. Crew also working near train line with support of state police on blow off replacements.
- Subcontractor completed paving and finished line striping on Ward Street and Waverly Avenue in Newton.
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Crew 1 (Boston):

Direct buried 20-inch gate valve at meter 120
Access Pit #1/Shaft 7 Beacon street new gate valve near BC football stadium.
Crew 2 (Night Work):
Finished repairing the dented pipe. MWRA coordinating with MASSDOT about the light pole that was above our pipeline.

Replacing dented pip on east bound ramp

Blow off replacement near MBTA train line, working with state police.

Blow off replacement near MBTA train line, working with state police.
Paving Sub Contractor:
ADS sub-contractor completed paving Ward street and Waverly Avenue
ADS sub-contractor markings INC. finished line striping Ward street and Waverly avenue in the City of Newton.
Construction Activities for the week of December 4, 2023:
- This week, crews returned to their normal schedule and continued efforts to rehabilitate Meter 120, which is located at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue.
- To date, a new air valve structure, a tee, and four valves have been installed at the meter, with another three valves being prepped for installation. Additionally, other work will need to be conducted on the meter, such as a flang valve, additional tees, and manhole restraints, before the access pit can be closed and the work completed.
- The Meter 120 work is expected to be finished by mid-December, weather and other unforeseen circumstances pending.
- Important to note, the rehabilitation of Meter 120 continues to require the Lake Street detour to be in place to ensure a safe and efficient site for crews to complete the work. While the detour is in place, personnel and proper signage will be posted to assist motorists through the area.
- Next week, crews will work their normal schedule, Monday through Friday, from 7:00AM to 4:00PM.
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Construction Activities for the week of November 27, 2023:
- This week, the MWRA’s contractor continued efforts to rehabilitate Meter 120, which is located at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue. This work is expected to be finished by mid-December, weather and other unforeseen circumstances pending.
- Important to note, the rehabilitation of Meter 120 continues to require the Lake Street detour to be in place to ensure a safe and efficient site for crews to complete the work. While the detour is in place, personnel and proper signage will be posted to assist motorists through the area.
- Next week, work crews will return to their normal schedule, Monday through Friday from 7:00AM to 5:00PM.
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Construction Activities for the week of November 20, 2023:
- Next week, work crews will have an abbreviated scheduled due to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. The work schedule will be Monday and Tuesday from 7:00AM to 5:00PM, Wednesday from 7:00AM to 12:00PM, and off Thursday and Friday. Work will resume again on Monday, November 27, 2023.
- This week, the MWRA’s contractor finalized work along Fairbanks Street and then returned to the Meter 120 rehabilitation project at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue on Friday. This work is expected to continue through mid-December, weather and other unforeseen circumstances pending.
- Important to note, the rehabilitation of Meter 120 continues to require the Lake Street detour to be in place to ensure a safe and efficient site for crews to complete the work.
- While the detour is in place, personnel and proper signage will be posted to assist motorists through the area.
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Construction Activities for the week of November 13, 2023:
- Next week, day work (7:00AM to 4:00PM) will be Monday through Friday.
- This week, the MWRA’s contractor continued efforts to rehabilitate Meter 120 at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue.
- Early next week, work crews will be located on Fairbanks Street to install an air vent, and will return to Meter 120 later in the week (potentially Thursday and Friday).
- The Lake Street detour will not be in place while the Fairbanks Street air vent is being installed; however, once crews return to Meter 120, the Lake Street detour will be in effect to ensure a safe work site is in place for crews.
- While the detour is in place, personnel and proper signage will be posted to assist motorists through the area.
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Construction Activities for the week of November 6, 2023:
In observance of Veterans’ Day, next week’s scheduled work (7:00AM to 4:00PM) will occur Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday along Lake Street, with potential work on Tuesday.
- This week, the rehabilitation of Meter 120 at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue started. In order to safely conduct the work, a detour at the Lake Street entrance (at Commonwealth Avenue) has been implemented. The entrance is not available to motorists during work hours.
- The detour directs through traffic along Commonwealth Avenue to Foster Street and then Glenmont Road. Residents, businesses, and others providing services in the area will have access to Lake Street and Undine Road by traveling in reverse direction up Lake Street starting at Lake Shore Road. During non-work hours (nights and weekends), the Lake Street entrance at Commonwealth Avenue will be open to all traffic.
- Furthermore, personnel and proper signage are in place to assist motorists through the area.
- Additionally, access pits continue to be closed. Efforts to close the remaining pits will occur over the next two weeks.
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Construction Activities for the week of October 23, 2023:
- Day work (7:00AM to 4:00PM) will continue Monday through Friday along Lake Street.
- This week, the MWRA’s contractor continued significant progress in the cleaning and lining of water main pipeline along the roadway.
- This effort is expected to be completed next week, ahead of rehabilitation work of Meter 120 at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue. Additionally, several access pits have been closed or will be closed in the next week, which includes the removal of the steel plates and paving. Once completed, parking at these locations will be allowed. Please note, the rolling detour previously implemented remains in place while the cleaning and lining work continues next week.
- Meter 120 rehabilitation work is expected to start the week of Monday, October 30, 2023. In order to safely conduct the work, a detour will be in effect at the Lake Street entrance (at Commonwealth Avenue). The entrance will not be available to motorists during work hours for approximately two months.
- Through traffic will be directed along Commonwealth Avenue to Foster Street and then Glenmont Road. Residents, businesses, and others providing services in the area will have access to Lake Street and Undine Road by traveling in reverse direction up Lake Street starting at Lake Shore Road. During non-work hours (nights and weekends), the Lake Street entrance at Commonwealth Avenue will be open to all traffic.
- Furthermore, personnel and proper signage will be place to assist motorists through the area.
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Construction Activities for the week of October 16, 2023:
- Day work (7:00AM to 4:00PM) will continue Monday through Friday along Lake Street.
- This week, the MWRA’s contractor continued access pit work in order to further advance the cleaning and lining of water main pipeline along Lake Street.
- Next week, crews will open the remaining access pits between Undine Street and Lake Shore Road. Please note that due to the location of the water main in this section of the road and in order to safety conduct the work, a rolling detour during work hours will be in place (this detour is expected to be in place for the next several weeks).
- Some residents will have access to properties through the Lake Street entrance at Commonwealth Avenue as the rolling detour progresses, while others will have access to their homes in reverse direction along the roadway starting at Lake Shore Drive.
- Because the detour will be moving on a daily basis, there will be MWRA staff stationed at the Lake Street/Commonwealth Avenue intersection and at the bottom of the project’s limit, as well as other personnel and detour signage in place to guide residents, visitors, and those doing business in the area.
- Additionally, the cleaning and lining of the pipeline is expected to resume on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. Crews will start the cleaning and lining process at the Lake Street/Commonwealth Avenue intersection and work their way down the roadway. When possible, efforts will be in place to avoid implementing a detour; however, that is dependent on underground conditions.
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October 10, 2023
Crew work completed to date:
- Installing remaining 36 inch Ductile Iron on Beacon Street Shaft 7 connection
- All in Green has been pressure tested and completed. Ward, Waverly, and Beacon Street have been successfully pressure tested.
- All in Yellow been cleaned and lined.
Access Pit #4 Beacon Street shoring for new Gate Valve Chamber
Access Pit #4 Beacon Street shoring for new Gate Valve Chamber
Crew 2 Lake Street:
Working on opening access pits starting at 230 Lake Street and working toward Meter 120.
Lake Street:
Meter 120 Vacuum Exploration. MBTA high voltage duct bank utility conflicts.
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Construction Activities for the week of October 9, 2023:
- In observance of the Columbus Day Holiday, day work (7:00PM to 4:00PM) will continue Tuesday through Friday next week.
- Work crews will open the remaining access pits along Lake Street, which will require a rolling detour in place during work hours. The detour is necessary due to the water main’s location within the middle area of the roadway, and for worker and vehicular safety Lake Street will need to be partially closed. Please note this detour is expected to be in place for the next several weeks.
- Some residents will have access to properties through the Lake Street entrance at Commonwealth Avenue as the rolling detour progresses, while others will have access to their homes in reverse direction along the roadway starting at Lake Shore Drive.
- Because the detour will be moving on a daily basis, there will be MWRA staff stationed at the Lake Street/Commonwealth Avenue intersection and at the bottom of the project’s limit, as well as other personnel and detour signage in place to guide residents, visitors, and those doing business in the area.
- Additionally, through traffic will be detoured along Commonwealth Avenue to Foster Street, and then Glenmont Road.
- During off hours, Lake Street will be open to all traffic (the detour will not be in effect during nights and weekends).
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October 2, 2023
Due to this morning’s discovery of unmarked gas lines during the excavation of the access pit located near the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue, work was delayed to ensure the contractor could proceed safely. After working with the gas company today, the contractor was able to continue efforts to stabilize the access pit; however, work will need to continue at the site tomorrow morning. Please note that the roadway will remain open to traffic while this work is being conducted.
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Construction Activities for the week of October 2, 2023:
- Day work (7:00AM to 4:00PM) will continue Monday through Friday along Lake Street.
- This week, the MWRA’s contractor opened access pits at the bottom of Lake Street near Washington Street. However, due to leakage from the old valves located at Meter 120 at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue, further work on the pipe could not be conducted. On Monday, an access pit at Meter 120 will be opened to address the leakage and advance the project. Important to note, Lake Street will remain open for vehicular traffic while this work is being conducted.
- The cleaning and lining of the water main pipeline is scheduled to commence on Monday. Crews will start the cleaning and lining process at the bottom of Lake Street across from Rogers Park. Similar to last week, a minor detour will be in place at the corner of Lake Street and Rogers Park Avenue.
- Additionally, personnel will be in place to direct traffic and pedestrians.
- Furthermore, starting on Monday, October 2, 2023, the MWRA will begin paving operations along Ward Street and Waverly Avenue in the City of Newton.
- Work will start on Ward Street between the intersection of Waverly Avenue and Hammond Street, and then along to Waverly Avenue to the intersection of Durant Street. Through traffic along Ward Street and Waverly Avenue will be detoured to adjacent roadways. Important to note, residential access will be provided at all times.
- Furthermore, police details and signage will be on site to assist with the flow of traffic when construction activities are occurring, which will be from Monday through Friday from 7:00AM to 4:00PM.
- The paving operations are expected to be completed by mid-fall 2023.
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Construction Activities for the week of September 25, 2023:
- Day work (7:00AM to 4:00PM) will continue Monday through Friday along Lake Street.
- This week, crews dug two exploratory test pits at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue to collect information regarding upcoming Meter 120 rehabilitation work. The test pits were repaved on Thursday.
- Next week, crews will begin opening four access pits in preparation for cleaning and lining of the 20” water main at the bottom of Lake Street.
- Specifically, four access pits will be dug starting at Rogers Park and working towards Commonwealth Avenue. The first access pit will require a minor detour at the corner of Lake Street and Rogers Park Avenue and then to Foster Street (vehicles will still be able to drive down Lake Street from Commonwealth Avenue). The remaining three access pits (one near the intersection of Trapelo Street, and the two across the street from the soccer field), will not require a detour.
- When access pits are not being actively used, as well as during non-work hours (nights and weekends), the access pits will be covered with iron plates to allow vehicular traffic to drive over.
- Important to note, residential access will be provided at all times.
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September 18, 2023
Due to weather conditions, the digging of test pits at the intersection of Lake Street and Commonwealth Avenue has been rescheduled for tomorrow, September 19, 2023, and potentially Wednesday, September 20, 2023. While the test pit work is active, the entrance to Lake Street will be closed during construction activities (7:00AM to 4:00PM) with a detour in place. The entrance is expected to reopen later in the week. We apologize for any inconvenience this reschedule may have caused.
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September 15, 2023
- Work crews have finished closing the remaining access pits located along Brooks, Fairbanks, and Washington Street, and are finishing site remediation work.
- The MWRA’s contractor, Albanese D&S, will begin work on Lake Street this Monday, September 18, 2023. The current traffic plan is to close the entrance of Lake Street on Monday and Tuesday, and have a detour in place to dig test pits in the area. Once completed, the roadway will reopen for through traffic on Wednesday.
- When the detour is in place, it will operate from 7:00AM to 4:00PM (the detour will not be in effect during nights and weekends). To assist with vehicular traffic and residential access, police details, flaggers, and signage will be located throughout the site during work hours.
- The MWRA will work to keep the Lake Street entrance open for as long as possible while the cleaning and lining work is done. Please note that the detour will also be in place when underground conditions require it and at the start of the water meter replacement work, which is expected to begin late September / early October 2023. Importantly, residential access will be provided at all times.
- Additionally, the MWRA has coordinated with Boston Public Schools, and the detour will not impact bus pick-up/drop-off routes.
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September 8, 2023
- Work crews continue to close the remaining access pits along Brooks, Fairbanks, and Washington Streets, and will restore the locations to previous conditions.
- With work expected to start on Lake Street on Monday, September 18, 2023, or shortly thereafter, the MWRA is working with its contractor Albanese D&S and A1 Exterminators to place a significant amount of rodent bait devices throughout the project area and beyond to better assist the neighborhood.
- Importantly, pest control experts will regularly visit the project boundaries to analyze any activity in the area, inspect their devices, change bait, and make adjustments, as needed.
- As a reminder, trash and recycle pick-up will occur Thursday mornings at approximately 6:00AM when the project starts. We encourage everyone to place their trash cans and recycle bins out after 5:00PM on Wednesdays or before the 6:00AM pick-up.
Presentation from 09/07/23 Public Meeting (PDF)
Lake Street FAQ
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September 1, 2023
- The MWRA’s contractor continues progressing towards completing the work along the Brooks, Fairbanks, and Washington Streets segment of the water main pipeline rehabilitation project, which has resulted in 950 linear feet being cleaned and cement mortar lined. Additionally, access pits along the roadways are now being closed.
Work is expected to start along Lake Street on Monday, September 18, 2023, or shortly thereafter. On Thursday, September 7, 2023, the MWRA will host a virtual public meeting to provide further details on this work and serve as an update to its previously held July 11, 2023, public meeting. For more information, please visit the virtual log in page
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August 30, 2023
- Due to a delay in the gas utility work being completed on Lake Street, MWRA will not be starting this work until Monday, September 18, 2023, or shortly thereafter. With this delay and the additional time it affords, MWRA will host a public meeting to provide further details on this work and serve as an update to its previously held July 11, 2023, public meeting. The update will include work accomplished in the Brighton area, as well as information regarding the upcoming Lake Street segment. This public meeting update will occur on Thursday, September 7, 2023, at 7:00PM (more information to be provided next week with meeting details).
- MWRA officials will discuss the work being conducted, the project’s timeline, the roadway detour plan, and local services access, such as emergency vehicle access, school bus pick-up/ drop-up, and package delivery.
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August 11, 2023
- Work crews continue to make progress with the project. This past week work focused on hydrating the Brooks Street, Fairbanks Street, and the Washington Street location’s water mainline, which 950 linear feet of has been cleaned, cement mortar lined, and rehabilitated for service.
- Currently, the MWRA and its contractor are expecting to complete the work along these roadways by late summer / early fall, and will then move on to Dickinson Road and Lake Street for the start of the next phase of this project.
- Police details and signage remain on site while construction activities are occurring to assist vehicular traffic.
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August 4, 2023
- Work crews continue to make progress with the project. All access pits have been dug along Brooks Street, Fairbanks Street, and the Washington Street location.
The construction of an access pit.
- Approximately 950 feet of water main lines along these roadways have been cleaned and cement mortar lined. When completed these rehabilitated lines will improve water quality and reliability for the area.
Example of a cleaned, and cement mortar lined water main recently installed along Brooks Street in Brighton.
- By late summer / early fall, crews are expected to complete their work on Brooks Street and Fairbanks Street.
- Police details and signage remain on site while construction activities are occurring to assist vehicular traffic.
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July 11, 2023
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June 29, 2023
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- Starting on Monday, July 10, 2023, the MWRA will begin digging access pits to clean and cement mortar line the water mains along Brooks Street, Fairbanks Street, and Lake Street via Washington Street and Dickinson Road in the City of Boston’s Brighton neighborhood, and replacing a check valve assembly.
- Cleaning and cement mortar lining will start at Brooks Street, last approximately one to two months, and then move along to Fairbanks Street. Work is not expected to begin on Lake Street until late summer/early fall 2023. Furthermore, the project is expected to be completed by late 2023/early 2024, but the project timeline is subject to change should there be any considerable impacts to the schedule, such as weather related events.

(click on image to enlarge)
- Along these roadways, access pits will be dug approximately 500 feet apart. To assist with the flow of traffic around the work sites, Fairbanks Street and Lake Street will have detours in place (Brooks Street will not have a detour in place).
- Importantly, residents along these streets will have full access to their properties at all times.
- During work hours, which is 7:00AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday, police details will be on site. Additionally, during non-work hours (nights and weekends), the roadways will be open and available to all traffic with no detours in place.
- On-street parking will be allowed along the majority of these roadways; however, parking will not be allowed at some locations where the access pits will be dug. In addition, steel plates will be positioned on top of the pits when not in use to enable vehicular traffic to drive over them (parking will not be allowed on top of the steel plates).
Example of an access pit.
Fairbanks Street detour:

(click on image to enlarge)
- Roadway will remain open to residents at all times; through traffic will be detoured along Turner Street.
- During off work hours (nights and weekends), roadway will be open to all traffic.
- Police details will be on site to assist residents.
Lake Street detour:

(click on image to enlarge)
- Lake Street will be closed to all traffic at Commonwealth Avenue during work hours. During off work hours (nights and weekends), the roadway will be open to traffic.
- Through traffic to be directed along Commonwealth Avenue to Foster Street and Glenmont Road.
- Lake Street residents will have access in reverse direction at Lake Shore Road.
- Police details will be on site to assist residents.
June 13, 2023
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Work Update
Crew 1 - Newton
- Installing 36-inch Duct. Iron on Manet Road/Commonwealth Avenue
- Installing 36-inch x 20-inch tee at Manet Road for future cross connection
Crew 2 - Newton
- Installing 36-inch Watermain on Beacon Street
Crew 3 - Newton
- C&L Sec 23 on Beacon Street (36-inch) Newton & Boston
- C&L Sec 24 at Mass Pike (20-inch)
- C&L Sec 47 on Lake Street (20-inch) City of Boston
Watermain Rehab Boston and Newton
36-inch x 20-inch Tee Newton Interconnection on Ward Street
Beacon Street-Installing 36-inch Watermain along Chestnut Hill Reservoir
March 29, 2023
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Vault chambers on Waverly Avenue in Newton
Valve Vault on Waverly Avenue & Ward Street
March 2, 2023
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Work Update
- Replace Sec 24 on Ward and Waverly Avenue (24-inch)
- Replace Sec 23 on Ward Street (36-inch)
- Resume cleaning and lining on Beacon Street in the spring
Setting Valve Vault on Waverly Avenue at Ward Street
February 2, 2023
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Work Update
Crew 1
- Replace Sec 24 on Waverly Avenue (24-inch)
- Replace Sec 23 on Ward Street (36-inch)
- Replace Sec 23 on Beacon Street (36-inch) City of Boston
Crew 2
- C&L Sec 23 on Beacon Street (36-inch) Newton & Boston
- C&L Sec 24 at Mass Pike (20-inch)
- C&L Sec 47 on Lake Street (20-inch) City of Boston
December 28, 2022
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Crew 1 installing pipe on Ward Street in Newton
Ward Street in Newton (MWRA Section 24-inch and cross connection to Newton)
Albanese crew on Waverly Avenue in Newton
November 7, 2022
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Ward Street in Newton, 20-inch water main complete
2nd crew on Waverly Avenue in Newton replacing Section 24-inch (1,470-feet or 2,908-feet installed)
August 9, 2022
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Work Update
College Road in Newton: Section 23 (36-inch)
Replace 280-feet
Clean & Line 1,414-feet
Waverly Ave in Newton: Section 24 (20-inch) Closing Access Pits
Ward Street in Newton: Install tapping sleeve for Newton at Ward and Waverly Avenue
June 29, 2022
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Work Update
Crew 1 on Ward Street in Newton to replace Newton’s 20-inch main
Crew 2 cleaning and lining Section 24 (20-inch) at Waverly Avenue, Washington Street and Saint James Circle
Crew 2 also cleaning and lining Section 47 (20-inch) on Commonwealth Avenue and Carriage Road
Access pit for Section 23 (36-inch) and Section 47 (20-inch)
April 28, 2022
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Work Update - Crew 1 on Ward Street in Newton
Temporary water bypass
Replace Newton's 20-inch main
Replace MWRA's Section 23 (36-inch line) & Section 24 (24-inch line)
Work Update - Crew 2 on Beacon Street in Boston
Work to start mid-May
Replace MWRA's Section 23 (36-inch line)
March 31, 2022
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Work Update
Install temporary water bypass
Replace Newton's 20-inch main
Replace MWRA's Section 23 (36-inch line) - Expected to begin in May
Cleaning and lining Sections 23, 24 & 47 - Expected to begin in May
Bypass pumping being set up on Ward Street in Newton
February 3, 2022
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Cleaning and Lining:
Section 23 (36-in): 4,500 lf
Sections 24 & 47 (20-in): 10,800 lf
Pipe Replacement:
Section 23 (36-in): 3,600 lf
Section 24 (24-in): 6,400 lf
City of Newton (20-in): 2,400 lf
February 1, 2022
We will post project updates in this section.
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