Wastewater Advisory Committee to the MWRA


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May 2024 MWRA Nut Island Headworks Facility Tour

May 2019 MWRA Cottage Farm CSO Facility Tour

May 2018 Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Organics to Energy Project Tour

May 2017, Deer Island Treatment Plant Tour

May 2016, Ward Street Headworks Tour

May 2015, Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant Tour

May 2014, Cambridge Constructed Wetland Tour

May 2013 Pellet Plant Tour


May 2024 Tour of MWRA Nut Island Headworks Facility

May 2019 tour grop

The Wastewater Advisory Committee and friends on tour of the MWRA Nut Island Headworks Facility


Cottage Farm warning Sign

Charlie Ryan, MWRA's Director of Wastewater Operations & Maintenance, giving information about Nut Island's upgrades.


Nut Island



Engine room



Engine room







One of three diesel-powered wet-weather pumps

View more photos here (PDF)

May 2019 Tour of MWRA Cottage Farm CSO Facility

May 2019 tour grop

The Wastewater Advisory Committee and friends on tour of the MWRA Cottage Farm CSO Facility


Cottage Farm warning Sign

Cottage Farm warning sign


The hypochlorite tanks at Cottage Farm

The hypochlorite tanks at Cottage Farm


Engine room

Engine room


Engine room

Engine room


WAC member Mary Adelstein views the engine room from above

WAC member Mary Adelstein views the engine room from above


WAC member George Atallah views one of the detention basins

WAC member George Atallah views one of the detention basins


One of three diesel-powered wet-weather pumps

One of three diesel-powered wet-weather pumps



Taps in the TRAC testing room

Taps in the TRAC testing room



wac on tour

The Youngest WAC Member



May 2018 Tour of Greater Lawrence Sanitary District (GLSD) Organics to Energy Project


GLSD photo 1

The Wastewater Advisory Committee and friends tour the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Co-Digestion Project.


GLSD Photo 2

Food slurry is loaded into the tank, GLSD


GLSD photo 3

Digesters at GLSD are squat and round--they have four.
All four can take food waste slurry along with sludge.


GLSD Phtoto 4

Gas from the digesters is cleaned of Siloxane and Hydrogen Sulfide before being burned.
The tanks here contain wood chips treated with iron oxide and carbon to remove each of these compounds.


GLSD Photo 5

GLSD Capital Projects Manager Richard Weare and
Advisory Board Chair Lou Taverna check out the intake for the food slurry tank.


GLSD photo 6

GLSD Manager Weare shows off the new engines at the combined heat and power plant.
GLSD could produce 100% of its own energy at 92,000 gallons/day of food waste slurry.


GLSD Phtoto 7

WAC members inspect the engines.



May 2017, Tour of MWRA's Deer Island Treatment Plant


wac tour deer island may 2017


valves at N Main PS

Checking out the new valves at the Winthrop Terminal Pump Station



looking down four stories

North Main Pump Station: Checking out work on the valve replacement--looking down four stories!



mind the gap

Mind the gap! The disconnected pipe awaiting a new valve.



Boston from digester

Boston from the top of the digesters



Windmill and Boston Harbor Islands (video)



plant from digester

View of the plant from the digesters

falcon on digester

A falcon on a digester



May 2016, Tour of MWRA's Ward Street Headworks, Boston

 WAC tours the Ward St. Headworks, Boston.
WAC tours the MWRA's Ward St. Headworks
The Screens - MWRA Ward St. Headworks
The Screens
The Grit Chamber - MWRA Ward St. Headworks
The Grit Chamber
The Outfall - Ward St. Headworks
The Outfall


May 2015, Tour of MWRA's Wastewater Treatment Plant, Clinton

WAC tours the MWRA Clinton Wastewater Treatment Plant
WAC views the clarifiers at Clinton

Trickling filter in action


The bubble aerator



The sludge press


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May 2014, Cambridge Constructed Wetland Tour

WAC tours the Cambridge Constructed Wetland, May 2014
WAC tours the Cambridge Constructed Wetland, May 2014
Catherine Woodbury, Cambridge engineering project coordinator,and Duke Bitsko, director of interdisciplinary design at Bioengineering Group explain the functions of the wetland.
Catherine Woodbury, Cambridge engineering project coordinator,and Duke Bitsko, director of interdisciplinary design at Bioengineering Group explain the functions of the wetland.
Wayne Chouinard, town engineer of Arlington and WAC member, explores the wetland.
Wayne Chouinard, town engineer of Arlington and WAC member, explores the wetland.

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May 3, 2013, Pellet Plant Tour with Carl Pawlowski, MWRA

On May 3, 2013, WAC toured MWRA's Residuals to Fertilizer Plant in Quincy, Massachusetts. The "pellet plant" manufactures Bay State Fertilizer from the residual solids from wastewater.
MWRA - Harbor view from second floor conference room
Harbor view from the second floor conference room
Carl Pawlowski,
MWRA Residuals Manager Carl Pawlowski leads the tour
MWRA - Digested Sludge Comes In
Digested sludge comes in
MWRA - Residuals in the Water Returned to Deer Island
Residual water returned to Deer Island
MWRA - Heating for Dryer at Sludge to Fertilizer Plant
Heating for dryer
MWRA - Red dryers spinning
Red dryers spinning (QuickTime video)
MWRA - The NEFCO stack
The NEFCO stack
Surplus augers, pipes at harbor side
Surplus augers, pipes at harbor side
MWRA - WAC on tour
WAC on tour
MWRA - Falcon Box
A wooden box, center top, was put there to give some resident Peregrine falcons a place to nest. They haven't returned this year.

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Updated May 5, 2015