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June 21, 2024, 10:40am


Kristin MacDougall, Assistant to the MWRA Board of Directors

Agendas and Join Information for Board Committee and Board of Directors' Meetings, June 26, 2024

Administration, Finance and Audit Committee Agenda | Wastewater Policy and Oversight Committee Agenda | Water Policy and Oversight Committee Agenda | Personnel and Compensation Committee Agenda | Board of Directors' Meeting Agenda | Meeting Materials | PDF Agendas (English Language)

Meeting Info

The following meetings of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at Deer Island Reception/Training Building, 1st Floor 33 Tafts Avenue – Favaloro Meeting Room Boston, MA 02128, and remotely on Webex.


10:00 am (and running consecutively)

  • Administration, Finance and Audit Committee
  • Wastewater Policy and Oversight Committee
  • Water Policy and Oversight Committee
  • Personnel and Compensation Committee (Including Meeting of the Personnel and Compensation Committee Independent of Management)

1:00pm: MWRA Board of Directors' Meeting

Meeting format: Hybrid - Join in person, or remotely with Webex.

Participate in person (photo ID required):
MWRA, Deer Island Reception/Training Building, 1st Floor
33 Tafts Avenue – Favaloro Meeting Room
Boston, MA 02128

Participate remotely on Webex (registration required):

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Agenda: Administration, Finance and Audit Committee, June 26, 2024

Meeting Info | Meeting Materials | PDF Agenda (English Language)

A. Information

  1. Delegated Authority Report – May 2024
  2. Financial Update and Summary as of May 2024

B. Approvals

  1. Final FY2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
  2. Final FY2025 Current Expense Budget (CEB)
  3. Final FY2025 Water and Sewer Assessments
  4. Defeasance of Future Debt Service
  5. Surplus Water Easement of the Abandoned Mystic Water Mains

C. Contract Amendments/Change Orders

  1. Maximo Lawson Interface Enhancements: Starboard Consulting, LLC, Contract 7649,Amendment #4

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Agenda: Wastewater Policy and Oversight Committee, June 26, 2024
Immediately following the Administration, Finance and Audit Committee

Meeting Info | Meeting Materials | PDF Agenda (English Language)

A. Approvals

  1. Annual Renewal of Wastewater Advisory Committee (WAC) Contract

B. Contract Awards

  1. West Roxbury Tunnel Inspection: Black Dog Divers, Inc., Contract 6898

C. Contract Amendments/Change Orders

  1. Agency-Wide Technical Assistance Consulting Services: Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., Contract 7990, Amendment 1
  2. Agency-Wide Technical Assistance Consulting Services: Kleinfelder Northeast, Inc., Contract 7991, Amendment 1
  3. Nut Island Headworks Odor Control and HVAC Improvements: Walsh Construction Co. II, LLC, Contract 7548, Change Order 18

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Agenda: Water Policy and Oversight Committee, June 26, 2024
Immediately following the Wastewater Policy and Oversight Committee

Meeting Info | Meeting Materials | PDF Agenda (English Language)

A. Information

  1. 2023 Annual Water Quality Report (Consumer Confidence Report)

B. Approvals

  1. Annual Renewal of Water Supply Citizens Committee (WSCAC) Contract

C. Contract Amendments/Change Orders

  1. Dam Safety Compliance and Consulting, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Contract 7614, Amendment 3

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Agenda: Personnel and Compensation Committee, June 26, 2024
Immediately following the Water Policy and Oversight Committee

Meeting Info | Meeting Materials | PDF Agenda (English Language)

A. Information

  1. Toxic Reduction and Control Department Reorganization

B. Approvals

  1. June 2024 PCR Amendments
  2. Extension of Employment Contract for Kathleen Murtagh, Director of Tunnel Redundancy

C. Annual Meeting of the Personnel and Compensation Committee Independent of

  1. Authority Accountability and Transparency Act Compliance

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Agenda: MWRA Board of Directors Meeting, May 22, 2024

Meeting Info | Meeting Materials | PDF Agenda (English Language)

I. Approval of Minutes

II. Report of the Chair

III. Report of the Executive Director

IV. Executive Session

i. Approval of April 17, 2024 Executive Session Minutes

A. Real Estate

  1. Watershed Land Acquisition (ref. ES 2.a)

V. Presentations and Summaries

  1. Approval of Amendments to MWRA regulations for Sewer Use (360 CMR 10.000)
  2. Informational Update on Quinapoxet Dam Removal
  3. Approval of Revisions to the Lead Service Line Replacement Program Guidelines

VI. Board Actions

A. Approvals

  1. Final FY2025 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (ref AF&A B.1)
  2. Final FY2025 Current Expense Budget (CEB) (AF&A B.2)
  3. Final FY2025 Water and Sewer Assessments (AF&A B.3)
  4. Defeasance of Future Debt Service (ref. AF&A B.4)
  5. Surplus Water Easement of the Abandoned Mystic Water Mains (AF&A B.5)
  6. Amendments to MWRA regulations for Sewer Use (360 CMR 10.000) (ref. V.1)
  7. Annual Renewal of Wastewater Advisory Committee (WAC) Contract (WW A.1)
  8. Approval of Revisions to the Lead Service Line Replacement Program Guidelines (ref. V.3)
  9. Annual Renewal of Water Supply Citizens Committee (WSCAC) Contract (ref. W B.1)
  10. June 2024 PCR Amendments (ref. P&C B.1)
  11. Extension of Employment Contract for Kathleen Murtagh, Director of Tunnel Redundancy (ref. P&C B.2)

B. Contract Awards

  1. West Roxbury Tunnel Inspection: Black Dog Divers, Inc., Contract 6898 (ref. WW B.1)

C. Contract Amendments/Change Orders

  1. Maximo Lawson Interface Enhancements: Starboard Consulting, LLC, Contract 7649, Amendment #4 (ref. AF&A C.1)
  2. Agency-Wide Technical Assistance Consulting Services: Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., Contract 7990, Amendment 1 (ref. WW C.1)
  3. Agency-Wide Technical Assistance Consulting Services: Kleinfelder Northeast, Inc., Contract 7991, Amendment 1 (ref. WW.C.2)
  4. Nut Island Headworks Odor Control and HVAC Improvements: Walsh Construction Co. II, LLC, Contract 7548, Change Order 18 (ref. WW C.3)
  5. Dam Safety Compliance and Consulting, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Contract 7614, Amendment 3 (ref. W C.1)

VII. Other Business

  1. Review and Extension of Contract for Frederick A. Laskey, Executive Director

VIII. Correspondence to the Board

IX. Adjournment

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Updated:  June 23, 2024 3:39 PM