The MWRA is rehabilitating an existing water pipeline along Lake Street to Brooks Street. The pipeline is cast iron and over 100 years old. Rehabilitation of this water main will improve water quality, increase system capacity, and improve overall system reliability. Additionally, the MWRA is replacing a check valve assembly at Boston Meter 120, which is located on Lake Street at the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue.
A virtual public meeting will be hosted by the agency on Tuesday, July 11, 2023, at 6:30PM via Webex to discuss the detours and the project in general.
The virtual meeting site and login information is below:
Link to virtual meeting site:
Meeting Number: 2338 329 5945
Password: 9KWbcDVJu22
Join by phone: +1-617-315-0704 United States Toll (Boston)
Join by mobile device: +1-617-315-0704,,23383295945##
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Sean Navin, MWRA Public Affairs at (617) 788-1112 or